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Welcome to Rose in Paradise! Within this board you will find the rules, plot, and anything else necessary to be read before joining RiP. Please read everything within carefully, and we'll all have a great time!
If something new is going to be happening on RiP, or we need to keep the members updated on a change, this is where you'll find it. You can also find things like weather updates, OTM's, and other site wide information you'd like to know.
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Have a question for RiP? Want to know what something means, or how to work something? Or even confused on how to maneuver around the latest edition of Proboards? Then come ask your question here! We'll answer the questions you have in a timely fashion, and help make your experience here free of confusion.

Out of Character

Come and talk about anything here!
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This is the graphics board, where you can come and request anything art related. You can also test things out before posting in IC areas in order to avoid any mishaps there.
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This is where you can come and spend those hard earned feathers you've gotten from role-playing! Take a look at the item list and create a new topic with your purchased items.
This si where you can find old and dead topics, both from In Character or Out of Character. If you want a post to be brought back, please send a staff member a message saying which thread you want returned.
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This is where you can come and advertise with RiP. Please make sure that if you're advertising, you post on the correct board within. If affiliating, please respond to the affiliate thread.
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If you're looking to affiliate with RiP, this is where you'll do so. Please fill out the form provided within, and make a separate topic with all the necessary information.Please make sure that your site has not requested to affiliate with RiP before.
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by Eloquent
Apr 8, 2015 16:02:08 GMT -8
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Welcome bentleycar!
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